“There are probably more spies in America now than at any other point in our history,” said longtime historical adviser to the C.I.A. H. Keith Melton in a 2019 New York Times conversation with Brett Sokol. Melton, who has devoted the last few decades of his life to international espionage research, will share his knowledge on the topic of Russian interference on January 7 in his Coudert Institute presentation titled Russian Spies, Lies and Elections. This lunchtime program is available for both (socially distanced) in-person and remote participation. Tickets may be purchased by clicking HERE. Keith Melton is a highly regarded author, an intelligence historian and a specialist in clandestine technology and espionage tradecraft. He is also one of the leading authorities on equipment and arms for clandestine warfare. Through the years, engaged in his research, Melton amassed a tremendous collection of spyware including include a Nazi Enigma code machine abandoned in France by a German unit fleeing advancing American soldiers, one of whom took it home after the war; a 13-foot-long British “Sleeping Beauty” submarine that allowed a single sailor to slip undetected into an enemy harbor; and a British-built World War II-era cigarette that fires a .22-caliber bullet. Last year, the New York Times featured Melton's collection in their popular Show Us Your Wall Series. A graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy, Mr. Melton has shared both his expertise, and some of his prized collection (i.e. Soviet-era hidden cameras and eavesdropping devices), while serving as a technical adviser for the recent 1980s-set TV drama The Americans. Recently, he donated more than 7,000 items form his collection to the International Spy Museum in Washington D.C. where he serves as a founding member on their Board of Directors. The Institute is delighted to welcome Keith to our 2021 season as he shares his passion for espionage and details how Russian efforts in the United States have continued (and expanded) since 2010 to actively interfere with U.S. elections. We hope that you will join us for this timely lunchtime conversation, either in person (following CDC guidelines) at The Sailfish Club, or remotely via ZOOM.
Above image courtesy of the New York Times